What We Offer

Southwest Training Consultants LLC offers a variety of training, but we also offer consulting services to law enforcement agencies, such as Vault Audits and improving your Promotional Process. The staff at SWTC has years of service in the Law Enforcement field and will help your agency improve and thrive.

Vault Audits

The instructional staff at SWTC has years of experience in managing evidence vaults, with a thorough understanding of the general requirements necessary to maintain a vault to meet state standards. Our goal is to provide you a service that is valuable to the agency now and in the future.
Upon contact we will complete a cursory review of the vault. Our team will complete an assessment of your current process and the procedures you currently utilize, then provide you with a comprehensive quote to improve that process based on our findings. With your authorization, we’ll get to work.

Once we have been retained to complete the audit, we will schedule a time based on the size of the vault. Our team will follow all protocols and policies currently in place for your department in regards to entry and exit. We will provide safety measures to ensure the integrity of the evidence by recording and/or photographing as we proceed. We will then identify the items currently in the vault and note any discrepancies with packaging, items not in place, or missing items.

Once the audit is complete we will provide a detailed report identifying any issues found. We will also provide you with a comprehensive look at what the agency can do to improve the functionality and reliability of the operation.

Contact us so we can get the process started for your department’s vault audit.

Promotional Process

The promotional process can be a very stressful event for not only the participants but for the staff trying to administer a fair and equitable process. At SWTC, we pride ourselves on the fact we can offer you a less stressful event, one that’s relevant to New Mexico law enforcement organizations.

If your agency has been using an outside company that comes in from California or New York to assess your promotional process, you’ve been spending a lot of money to have it assessed by an outside resource, possibly using outdated resources or case law that does not coincide with what you follow. SWTC is a local New Mexico company that provides this service. We will work with your agency throughout the process to ensure you are receiving the quality product you deserve, but will also make sure it is a fair and relevant process.

Our staff has years of experience developing, running, and overseeing the promotional process from the beginning to the very end. We will meet with you and identify the current trends going on in your department then develop the process around those things that are identified as needing attention.

What you should expect:

Written Examination

We will develop a custom written examination tailored to your department’s policy, which will include:

  1. Your agency’s policies and procedures
  2. State statutes
  3. City ordinances
  4. Case law
  5. Union contract, if applicable
  6. Any additional publications deemed necessary

As an option, we will then administer the promotion exam. Once it has been taken, we will complete the analysis and provide you with a comprehensive look at how your officers did.

Then we will set up the assessment phase of the process. Working with the agency to provide a fair and equitable event, we will review policy and contracts to ensure we meet your agency’s standards.

As we complete the assessment phase, again you will be provided with analysis of how your officers faired.

Please contact us for schedule availability. If you have questions or would like us to get you a quote regarding this service, please contact us anytime.

Have Questions? Call Us 505.270.1884

Have Questions? Call Us


The McKinley County Sheriff’s Office has worked with SWTC since 2015. The level of dedication and professionalism is great, prices are fair, and they have a personal touch that is exceptional in this day and age. I personally and professionally recommend SWTC for all your training, consulting and promotional needs.
~ James Maiorano III, Undersheriff

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