What We Offer
This week long class will give you the foundation to become a professional and dynamic instructor.
Instructor Development
We will learn the basics in de-escalation and discuss what those suffering from mental illness may be dealing with.
Dealing with the Mentally Ill
From the basic citation to the complex report, this class will give you the ins and outs on report writing.
Becoming a certified FTO is not just about knowing this ins and outs of the job or the department but more importantly being a positive role model, mentor and leader.
Field Training Officer Program
About SWTC
Southwest Training Consultants LLC (SWTC) was founded on the idea that we can bring quality instruction to local law enforcement agencies. Our intent is to provide engaging, well thought out, comprehensive instruction in various areas related to the needs of law enforcement throughout New Mexico. Our classes are certified by the New Mexico Law Enforcement Academy (NMLEA).
We have a team of instructors who bring a wealth of experience as each instructor has had an extensive career in law enforcement. They are energetic and knowledgeable, and this shows in the courses they teach. Our goal is to ensure each student gets the most out of the class and leaves feeling more confident about the training they just received.
We pride ourselves on the idea that we are willing to work for you. If you have a specific need, we will attempt to address it. If you need the training brought to you, we will work with you to make that happen.
Promotional Process
The promotion of qualified staff is an important endeavor for any agency. We offer this service to assist agencies have a fair and equitable promotion process. We will work with your agency to develop an event that meets the agency’s needs, as well as one that works within your budget.
Vault Audit
The evidence vault can be a difficult task to manage. Our team will complete an initial assessment and if we can help, identify what you can expect from us. Our goal is to provide a thorough, comprehensive audit as well as give you recommendations for improving the efficiency of the vaults operation.
Have Questions? Call Us 505.270.1884